With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Havoc Demon Hunter raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to prioritize. Recommended Gear for Havoc Demon Hunters in Shadowlands This guide is written by Kib, who raids in Strawberry Puppy Kisses and is Admin of the Fel Hammer Demon Hunter Discord. Havoc Demon Hunter StatsHavoc Demon Hunter Enchants We have also prepared several other Havoc Demon Hunter guides on other gear topics, including best enchants for your new gear, best stats to aim for on gear, and simulation data to make informed choices. Should you wish to learn about all the various sources for gear in the expansion, check out our Gearing Up in Shadowlands Overview.

This guide will help you select the best pieces of gear from Dungeons and Raids in Shadowlands, whether they be weapons, trinkets, or armor.

In this guide, we will explain how to obtain the best gear for your Havoc Demon Hunter in and how to check if a piece is BiS, an upgrade or just bad. Gear is one of the most important elements in WoW to strengthen your Havoc Demon Hunter, providing massive amounts of stats as well as armor, procs, and set bonuses.